Your Future After DWI

How Multiple DWI Charges Can Affect You

(US criminal law and generally) Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a very serious charge in the state of Texas. Consequences for DWI convictions vary based on the damage caused, the level of intoxication, and even previous offenses that a person may have. If a person has multiple DWI charges he could be facing any number of severe legal penalties that are often more serious than those given to people with a single DWI conviction.
If you have been accused of DWI, it is important to have the legal assistance of an experienced DWI defense attorney as you fight the charges. The Houston DWI defense attorneys of Johnson, Johnson & Baer, P.C., are dedicated to helping our clients avoid the often harsh penalties associated with DWI convictions. Contact us today at 713-222-0400 to learn more.

Penalties of Multiple DWIs

The legal consequences of one DWI conviction can be strict enough, but if a person is convicted of multiple DWI charges, he or she may be facing life-changing penalties. After a third offense, some DWIs incidents can be charged as third-degree felonies, often resulting in:
  • Loss of employment
  • Loss of voting rights
  • Ineligibility to hold public office
  • Loss of eligibility for licenses and visas
  • Monetary fines
  • Jail time
The sentencing for a third or greater DWI will vary to some extent on a case-by-case basis, but it is likely that all areas of an individual’s life will be affect.

5 Ways a DWI Conviction Can Ruin Your Academic Future

A young person charged with DWI faces very serious penalties that have the potential to permanently hinder their professional prospects. A DWI conviction can also significantly harm a person’s academic hopes. Though these may seem to be matters of less immediate urgency than the prospect of fines, license revocation, or jail time, they can have long-term effects of much greater consequence.While the main focus for many attending a university for their undergraduate degree is getting that degree, they also may want to use the other resources related to the university to improve their networking or professional prospects. However, a DWI conviction can potentially interfere with these opportunities. The following are possible school-related consequences of a DWI conviction:
  • Rejection by a university or program
  • Expulsion from a university or program
  • Loss of scholarship or financial aid
  • Missed classes or assignments due to court requirements
  • Inability to join social or professional groups

5 Consequences of Underage DUI

Driving while intoxicated is taken very seriously by law enforcement officers in Texas, and a conviction can result in severe legal consequences. If you are a minor charged with DUI, you may be facing penalties that could affect the rest of your life. For those under the age of 21, you need only have a trace of alcohol present in your system to face legal consequences under Texas’ zero tolerance policy.Because the law strives to deter minors from indulging in alcohol, the consequences for an under-21 DUI conviction are fairly harsh. Some of the potential consequences of conviction include:
  • License suspension / revocation
  • Community service
  • Alcohol awareness courses
  • Monetary fines
  • Time in a juvenile detention center or jail
Additionally, having a DUI on your permanent record can negatively affect future education and work opportunities. Thus, it is important to fight against these charges when they arise.

 DWIs and Applying for Schools

 The consequences of a DWI conviction can be incredibly serious and can affect the rest of your life. Driving while intoxicated is defined as operating a vehicle while your blood alcohol content (BAC) level is over the legal limit of 0.08%. If you are accused of DWI, you face not only a lengthy and costly court process, but you may also have to contend with legal consequences like jail time and fines. However, DWI convictions also go on your permanent record, and can have adverse effects on future applications to colleges or universities.There are thousands of colleges and universities in the United States, and even more overseas, and most of them consider a potential student’s permanent record before accepting their application. If your permanent record has a DWI conviction on it, it may be difficult to be accepted into school. DWIs can affect many parts of the college application process, including:
  • Initial paperwork
  • Follow-up interview
  • Final background check
Universities want to ensure the safety of their students, so if you have a DWI on your record, a school may decide that you are not a good fit.



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