domestic abuse

Domestic Violence: It can Happen to Anyone, But what can you do?

by barlowrobbins May 24, 2013 Domestic Violence

People who have experienced domestic violence often describe feelings of hopelessness, isolation and of being trapped, which is why it’s so important to realise that there is help and support available regardless of your situation. Victims are often hesitant to come forward and seek support as they don’t want to be stereotyped, but as more […]

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Felony Charges: Surviving False Allegations

by ShelbyW September 20, 2012 Assault

The criminal justice system in America views all crimes differently, but public opinion often views certain crimes in an even worse light than the legal system does. Although crimes like armed robbery, murder and money laundering often bring harsher penalties than crimes such as abuse and rape, the public often is far more sickened by […]

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