How to Train an Aggressive Dog: Property Safety Measures

An aggressive dog is typically not born into this world with a mean demeanor. Whether their behavior is a result of abuse, lack of training or fear, it’s an owner’s responsibility to protect both the dog and others by finding positive ways to train them. 

Be the Leader

A dog respects an owner that is the dominant leader and will follow their behavior. Dogs should be treated with love and respect, but they need to understand where they rank in the family’s hierarchy. Training should include teaching a dog to obey their commands and guiding them to walk next to or behind you when out for a stroll.

Is It Playfulness or Aggression

Puppies and dogs learn to play from their owners and if not properly reprimanded when the rough behavior gets out of control, your dog could show future aggression. Young puppies haven’t learned their limits of play during the early months, so you need to put an end to their nips and bites by correcting their actions. Positive training works best with dogs and owners who scold or hit will only make the problem worse than it is.


Dogs should be properly socialized around other dogs, children and humans. The best way to begin is on a leash and start by introducing them to only well-trained dogs. Dogs that are mean will only intimidate them and teach them aggressive tendencies. As they begin to learn how to be submissive and can respect others, you can proceed with children and other adults.

Take Notes

Take notice as to what sets off your dog and causes them to behave aggressively toward others. When you’ve narrowed it down, work slowly and address the problems. If your dog is bothered by getting their nails trimmed, you can start with handling their paws and work your way to the clippers. If they cooperate, you need to reward their good behavior with a treat. This isn’t a resolution that will happen overnight, so you need to be patient and practice persistence.

Under North Carolina dog laws, it can be difficult to sue an aggressive dog’s owner. A knowledgeable and experienced attorney will be able to handle your case and ascertain if you’ve been a negligent or irresponsible owner. Nearly 85 percent of people who have been bitten by a dog actually know the animal. A website represented by Charlotte personal injury lawyers, Auger & Auger, states “According to the American Humane Association, approximately 4.7 million dog bites occur every year in the United States. Around half of all dog attacks involve children ages 12 and under, with kids between the ages of 5 and 9 at the greatest risk. When an attack or bite occurs, medical treatment is required in 30 percent of cases.”

Safety Measures

Owners can do their part by practicing proper safety measures. Never leave your dog unattended with small children. Some dogs have an instinct to exhibit their dominance and may do so by biting them. Avoid teaching your dog aggressive games such as wrestling and tug of war. If your dog is outside in a fenced in yard, you should post a sign warning others of the dog’s presence. If your dog is experiencing any aggressive tendencies, you can correct this behavior immediately by using positive reinforcement. It can take time for your dog to be well-behaved, so you need to remain patient. If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work, you need to enlist the help of a dog training specialist to help you learn how to handle your dog properly.

Animal Lover, Nickey Williams writes this article for those seeking practical dog safety information. Charlotte personal injury lawyers, Auger & Auger have developed a prominent position in North Carolina in handling dog bite and animal attack claims. These lawyers know the laws regarding the dog owner’s liability and how to deal with animal control. They also know what is needed from doctor examinations, evaluations and will gather other evidence to help prove your claim.




Legal researcher and Home schooling mother of two with a degree in Management.
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