25 Questions About Personal Injury Lawyers from Yahoo Answers

by primorudy on August 26, 2013

1. How much do personal injury attorneys charge?

There are two ways in which personal injury lawyers charge clients for their services: contingency fees and hourly fees. The first option is the most popular. You only pay if a settlement is reached, and the attorney collects a predetermined percentage of it. Hourly fees are less common and are typically used in weak cases that are unlikely to come out in the client’s favor.

2. Can I fire my personal injury attorney?

Absolutely! If you feel that your lawyer isn’t getting the job done, you can fire him at any time. He is your employee, after all. You will probably have to reimburse him for the time he’s spent so far on your case.

3. Can a personal injury lawyer drop your case if he feels he won’t make enough money?

Because most personal injury attorneys are hired on a contingency basis, they can drop clients at will. Your lawyer may choose to do so if he feels that your case has no merit and is unlikely to settle for a decent amount of money.

4. How do I choose a personal injury lawyer?

The best way to choose a personal injury lawyer is by getting a referral from someone you trust. If that’s not an option, search around online. After narrowing down the list, do additional research about each candidate. Come up with a list of questions and pose them to each lawyer. Before too long, you’ll know which lawyer is the one for you.

5. What information should be obtained during the interview of a personal injury lawyer?

It’s smart to come up with a list of questions to ask a prospective personal injury lawyer. Ask about his educational background. Find out how many personal injury cases he’s settled in the past year. Describe your case and see whether or not he thinks it will go to trial. Most importantly, find out how he charges for his services.

6. Do personal injury lawyers cover household bills?

Personal injury lawyers don’t cover clients’ bills at all. They can help you postpone bills while your case is being handled. Upon settlement, you can then pay the bills you owe.

7. Can I fire or change my personal injury attorney if he forces me to accept a low ball offer from the insurance company?

As long as your attorney is working on a contingency basis, you can fire him at any time. You may be responsible for hourly fees, and they should be outlined in whatever contract you signed. If the attorney has been negligent, however, you may not owe any money at all.

8. How long does it usually take to receive settlement money?

On average, it takes about a month to receive settlement money. The insurance company has to issue the check, which can take time. The check then needs to clear your attorney’s trust account. Your medical liens must then be paid, and the attorney must be paid too. Finally, the balance will be passed along to you.

9. If I win a personal injury lawsuit can my lawyer write the check to someone else’s name like my mom?

Your lawyer will have to write the check to you to ensure that the money can be traced back properly. People sometimes want checks made out to others to avoid garnishments and other issues, so attorneys are not allowed to do this.

10. Is $125,000 a fair salary for a personal injury lawyer?

Personal injury attorneys don’t usually collect salaries. Instead, they work on contingency, which means that they collect a percentage of the settlements that they win for clients. As far as fairness, it is all relative. If an attorney wins a settlement for his client, it is only fair that he is paid as expected.

11. Why do personal injury lawyers drag out their cases?

If your case is taking a long time, it’s probably not the lawyer’s fault. Most personal injury attorneys are paid on contingency, which means they don’t collect until a settlement is awarded. Therefore, it’s in a personal injury lawyer’s best interests to move the case along as quickly as possible.

12. Our lawyer resigned from my personal injury case after 1 year and 3 months. Is that legal?

Because you had a personal injury case, your attorney was most likely working on contingency. He would only collect if your case settled. If he felt the case wasn’t going to settle, he may have decided to walk away. He is allowed to do so.

13. What kind of personal injury lawyer should I pick?

You should choose a personal injury lawyer who specializes in the kind of accident that caused your injury. If you were in a car accident, for instance, choose a lawyer who specializes in car accident cases.

14. What is the scam with personal injury lawyers?

If issues arose during your case, they were most likely caused by the lawyer’s incompetence and not some kind of scam. Lawyers who are caught engaging in unethical behavior are at risk of losing their licenses or being kicked out of the bar, which can end their careers.

15. Can any lawyer handle personal injury case?

This may technically be true, but it’s not advisable to hire a lawyer who doesn’t specialize in personal injury cases.

16. How does a personal injury lawsuit work?

Your personal injury lawyer will file a lawsuit on your behalf. Settlement negotiations usually begin fairly quickly. In many cases, a settlement can be reached without the case seeing a courtroom. If not, the case goes to trial. Personal injury cases rarely require trials, however.

17. I received a letter from a personal injury lawyer. Will the insurance company pay for the injuries?

The whole point of car insurance is to avoid having to deal with these kinds of issues. If you were instructed to pass the letter along to your insurance company, you should do so. Your insurance will most likely pay, but your rates will probably increase.

18. Lawyer joke : How many personal injury attorneys does it take to change a light bulb?

At least three! One of them needs to climb a ladder and screw in the bulb, one needs to shake the ladder to make him fall and the last one needs to file a lawsuit against the company that manufactured the ladder.

19. What types of lawyers make the most money?

The lawyers who make the most money are the ones who have the most talent and drive. They win cases for their clients and develop reputations for doing so. In turn, they can charge more and more as their careers progress.

20. Do I need a lawyer for personal injury depositions?

Technically, you’re not required to have an attorney present. If you’d like to do what you can to protect your rights, however, you should hire one and have him there with you.

21. How do injury lawyers make money if it’s no win/no fee and you get 100% of the compensation?

Personal injury lawyers usually work on contingency. If you win a settlement, they collect a percentage of it. Therefore, you are not going to receive 100 percent of the compensation.

22. If I found out my lawyer was lying to me about my bodily injury case could I drop them from being my lawyer?

If you’ve hired your attorney on a contingency basis, you should absolutely fire him. You may also be able to avoid paying him a dime if you can show he was negligent.

23. Name something more disgusting than personal injury attorneys?

Without clients, they wouldn’t have work. Therefore, the clients must be more disgusting! Actual ambulance chasers may also qualify as being more disgusting.

24. What is the starting salary for a lawyer?

There is no amount that is set in stone. These days, attorneys who are just starting out don’t usually make a whole lot. Personal injury lawyers usually work on contingency, so they don’t collect salaries in the first place.

25. What’s the best Michigan motorcycle accident lawyers for the best results?

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident in Michigan, it’s crucial to hire a personal injury lawyer with extensive experience in that area of practice. For the best representation, contact The Law Offices of Goodwin & Scieszka. They will put their many years of experience and their extensive knowledge to work for you.

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