Questions That Need to Be Asked Before You or a Loved One Moves into an Assisted Living Facility

When it comes to deciding if you or a loved one would be better off in an assisted living facility, there are various points of view and important questions that need to be asked. The family member may decide themselves, but if they don’t the family may need to intervene. Here are some questions to ask yourself or your family member when trying to decide if assisted living is right for you or your family member.

First things first: What Does Assisted Living Mean?

It seems like an obvious question, but many people think they know what assisted living facilities entail when they really don’t know. Or, one facility’s notion of assisted living is different from another’s. Make sure that you and the facility have the same definition for assisted living. Usually assisted living means that a senior or those who need help with day to day living live in a facility where they get regular help with a variety of activities that are difficult to do on their own. They also provide security along with access to care. Make sure that your assisted living facility supplies the assistance you need in particular and that they offer the specific kind of help you need.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Deciding on Assisted Living

  • Do you feel alienated and cut off? If your inability to move around, travel to different areas or host others in your home is making you feel socially isolated, assisted living facilities could offer a more accessible social environment.
  • Is it hard to keep up with chores? If your home life is suffering because you’re having a hard time keeping up with standard chores around the house, you may prefer an assisted living situation where you can get help with keeping up with tasks such as dishes or laundry.

Standard Kitchen

  • Do you feel unsafe? If you worry about your safety and feel concerned about what would happen if you fell down or about whether you could handle an emergency in the house, it may not be a good idea to live alone anymore.
  • Is your family unable to keep up with your needs? Often families are able to increase their help when a family member is in need, but even family has limitations. Work hours, time restrictions and energy availability may keep your family from being able to provide the amount of care you need. If you’re starting to feel tired of asking your family for help, you may feel more independence in an assisted living facility.

Questions to Ask About Your Loved One

Sometimes the person heading for the assisted living facility isn’t capable or willing to make the decision on their own. If you are concerned about your family member, here are some questions that may help you determine whether your family member would be more comfortable getting help.

  • Is your family member losing a lot of weight? Weight loss could indicate that your family member is having trouble keeping up with the basic tasks of grocery shopping and meal preparation.
  • Is your family member bruised and banged up? Consistent bruises may indicate that your loved one is covering up spills that are happening at home.

Empty fridge

  • Is the fridge empty? If your loved one’s fridge is consistently empty or filled with spoiled food, this is an indication of trouble with the basics.Whether it’s you deciding to move to an assisted living center or whether you are deciding that you need to intervene with a family member who is struggling, make sure that you are asking a lot of questions. You want to make sure that you’re finding the best fit for everyone.Sam Negrete is a writer for several family blogs. Making decisions on elderly family members living arrangements can be difficult, but at you can find information to make the right choices.
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