Carl Mills convicted of murder in the Crown Court

The CPS and The Independent have reported that a violent alcoholic who torched his girlfriend’s home has been jailed for a minimum of 30 years after being found guilty of three counts of murder.

Mr Carl Mills, 28, bombarded his girlfriend, Kayleigh Buckley, 17, with text messages and threatened to “burn your house down” as he was convinced she was inside the house with another man. He then proceed to torch the family home, which housed Kim Buckley, 46, her daughter Kayleigh, and her six-month-old granddaughter, Kimberley. All three died in the blaze at the house on 18 September 2012. Baby Kimberley – whose father was Mills – had been discharged from hospital that day.

Mills was later arrested on suspicion of murder and charged with the crime. He was prosecuted at Newport Crown Court and the jury delivered three unanimous guilty verdicts.

Neither Mr Mills nor his criminal defence solicitors appear to have commented after the prosecution.

Trial Judge Mr Justice Wyn Williams stated: “There is no saying whether you will ever be released”. He also criticised Mills for attempting to avoid responsibility for his actions during his trial, stating “Conducting your defence in such a way as to suggest that Kayleigh had started the fire herself (with a discarded cigarette) – that in my judgment was despicable” and that “you must have known that once the fire had taken hold that there would be virtually no chance of escape”.

Senior Crown Prosecutor Nicola Rees commented on the case: “Despite his unwillingness to take responsibility for his actions, today Mills has been made to face up to what he did. But whilst we may welcome today’s verdict, we have to acknowledge that it does not and cannot bring back Kim, Kayleigh or Kimberley. Nor does it take away the hurt and suffering of those close to them. Our thoughts are with them.”

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