7 Secrets Nursing Homes Don’t Want You to Know

Secret #1: Pressure Ulcers (Bed Sores) are avoidable!

Secret #2: Nursing home employees may falsify medical records to cover up neglect.

Secret #3: Government agencies do not have enough staff or funding to adequately police nursing homes.

Secret #4: After a nursing home injury or death, it is important to seek immediate legal consultation.

Secret #5: You can find a competent, qualified attorney to represent you or your loved one against the nursing home on a “no-recovery, no-fee” basis.

Secret #6: Some nursing homes are more interested in making money, than in providing quality care.

Secret #7: The incidences of elder abuse are rapidly increasing in California.

Click here to download a more detailed PDF with the above info.

For more information or an appointment, please call Joel R. Bryant- California Elder Abuse Attorney at (619) 239-7900, extension 113.

Joel R. Bryant is a founding partner of Green Bryant & French, LLP, with offices in San Diego and Riverside County. Joel is recognized as one of San Diego's top litigation attorneys handling nursing home abuse, personal injury, financial elder abuse, and will and trust fraud cases. Joel was one of the first attorneys in San Diego to specialize in prosecuting civil and probate actions for financial elder abuse, and is one of the few attorneys experienced and successful in both nursing home abuse and financial elder abuse litigation. Such experience allows Joel to quickly identify medical issues and track financial fraud in either civil court or probate court.

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