Advertising, Media & Guest Legal Blogging Authorship Guidelines & Policy

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Showcase Your Law Firm or Business with Five Fantastic Lawyers™

Are you a law firm or a legal professional looking to broaden your reach and interact with a select group of people who need your services? Take a look at Five Fantastic Lawyers™. We offer an exclusive platform for experts like you to showcase your skills, reach a wider audience, and make a lasting impact in the legal sphere.

Why Choose Five Fantastic Lawyers™?

Reputation and Credibility: Our platform has a 12-year history of offering high-quality legal content and connecting customers with top legal experts. Joining us means aligning your brand with trust and credibility.

Focused Exposure: Unlike generic directories, we don’t bombard users with a plethora of possibilities. To choose only the top law firms and lawyers, we use a thorough five-point assessment procedure. Your profile will stand out among the elite, ensuring that you are seen by people looking for high-quality legal services.

Diverse Audience:  Our platform attracts a wide audience of individuals and businesses seeking legal advice, with over 850,000 unique desktop visits and a history of 5,000+ legal publications. Your knowledge will be shared with a large and active audience.

Expert Collaboration: We welcome expert lawyers and legal professionals to contribute to and expand our legal community. By joining our network, you may not only demonstrate your expertise but also connect with other professionals in the subject.

Can you Pay to be Listed in Our Five Fantastic Lawyers Listings?

No. While guest blogging if you are a lawyer is free, you may be able to advertise with us in prominent featured box sections of our site to reach your ideal audiences. Please note that, as per our 5-Point Five Fantastic Lawyers™ Law Firm Rankings & Ratings Review Process, you cannot pay to appear in the list of top five firms on any of the lists on our site. You can, however, pay to advertise as a lawyer, legal professional or firm in a featured box above or below the top listings potentially – see our pricing page here for more information.

Media Pack Available

And in addition to our pricing page, we provide a full media pack if you’re ready to take your legal brand to the next level and leverage the Five Fantastic Lawyers™ platform. Our media pack includes everything you need to get started and increase your visibility among our selective audience.

Contact Us

For enquiries regarding our media pack and how to advertise with us, please email us at Our team will be in touch promptly to guide you through the process and help you reach the legal audience you’ve been looking for.

Join us on your journey to greater visibility, credibility, and success in the legal industry. Five Fantastic Lawyers™ is here to help you shine.

Guest law blogging for lawyers

And if you’d like to become a contributor on our legal blog on Five Fantastic Lawyers you may be in luck.

Free guest law blogging for lawyers – With over 850,000 visits and growing, we’re always looking for great contributions of valuable and insightful legal content from lawyers (news, intelligence, infographics or other information) to provide regardless of type of legal service – we’d love to hear from you to discuss how you can help with our mission to help share great legal advice and help people and businesses find the best lawyers for them.

Please contact us here to find out how you can get published with us.

Great Law Blogging Opportunities for Law Firms & Lawyers

If you are a lawyer, law firm or legal professional and you want to share high quality legal intelligence, including useful legal knowledge and news, to wide audiences whether for the purpose of content marketing for your law firms or lawyers, or for academic purposes or otherwise, here are some of the key things you should consider before submitting your post(s) for review by our moderators.

Why Should You Blawg Here?

There are many reasons why you would want to publish with us:-

  1. Share your content with our audiences on various social networks. Reach over 30,000 followers.
  2. Be promoted by an established legal blogging website. Our reach is global and we want to make your content work as hard as it can for you and to help provide greater access to legal information to readers and people searching online.
  3. Share useful legal intelligence to a large and varied legal, business and consumer-focused community across the globe. Regardless of whether your practice area is family law, employment law, personal injury, business law etc or targeting specific sectors, there is no limit to the amount of useful legal knowledge or news that can be shared online. Every little helps!
  4. Receive full credit when your blog post is published and raise the profile of yourself and your practice.

Editorial Guidelines for Blawg Submissions

  • Blawg posts should provide really useful legal information or news.
    • We aim to publish unique, high quality legal intelligence for our readers. Our editors are ex-lawyers and first class law graduates and can tell useful posts from the not-so-useful ones.
  • In particular, do not promote your services, your firm or your website throughout your post.
    • Our aim is to educate and inform people, while giving you wide exposure for your skills and expertise through the value you provide in your content, not in your ability to repeat your firm’s name or website over and over.
  • If you wish to include a link to your own website, first consider whether it is necessary for readers, second, add it only at the foot of your post or in your author bio and third, implement ‘nofollow’ code on it (ask us if unsure). AND third, ensure you include at least one authoritative, non-promotional link from a reliable source in your post.
  • Specify the governing law of your article where appropriate e.g. it may apply under US law, Scots law or the laws of England & Wales, or the law of a certain State or other country. Law is not (yet) global for many disciplines – make sure readers know the applicable law! (and that’s not even to mention the rules of international private law (‘conflict of laws’))
  • Blawg posts can be of any length but should ideally be over 500 words and there’s certainly no limit. We’ve published a few posts (including first class legal dissertations) that extend well beyond 10,000 words.
  • Original, unique posts form the bread and butter of this site. If your post has been published elsewhere it will most likely be kindly refused,  although we are sometimes open to republishing content already published elsewhere if of particular value to our readership.
  • Use subheadings where appropriate using the H1, H2 and H3 tagging functions. While we know lawyers and legal marketers like to come up with titles and subheadings with clever wordplay (which is welcome), sometimes it’s best to tell the reader the subject they’re about to read in plain English.
  • Blog posts are welcome from law students, lawyers, barristers, law firms and also non-lawyers, particularly those looking to ask legal questions. Please register in the name of your law firm, company or in the name of yourself in a professional capacity.
  • Respect the copyright in the work of others – if using creative commons images from Flickr, for instance, credit the author.
  • Include video and images where relevant if you have the rights to use them. YouTube videos, for instance, can easily be embedded in posts to help improve your posts.
  • Include links to authoritative sources to support your material.
  • Include a short professional bio – in the user section in the admin panel, you are able to include a bio for yourself, include a photo, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ authorship link.
  • Share your post when published with your contacts through your social networks.

What We Do Not Publish

  • We do not publish blogs where the writer is posting only for overly self-promotional purposes or for SEO purposes. Note that on average 80% of posts submitted are rejected for precisely these reasons.
  • We do not publish posts after getting spammed via email. We get inundated daily with many spam emails asking for such posts. This slows down the authorisation and moderation processes for all of our authors who genuinely want to share their blogs and information with us.
  • We do not publish generic articles unrelated to law and of no value to our readers. Our editors will tell you when your post is poor and please don’t email us repeatedly if we have rejected your submissions.
  • We do not publish articles already published elsewhere unless of particular value to our readers.

Guest blogging for lawyersOther Law Blogging Authorship Policy Information

  • We reserve the right to reject any blog submitted on reasonable grounds e.g. the post was not on a relevant area of law.
  • We reserve the right to make changes to any blogs – Please do not be offended if we make or suggest amendments to your post. We will notify you of any major changes.
  • We may add internal links where helpful for readers.
  • Authors are permitted to republish their posts elsewhere – if so a link to the original post is preferred.

Contact us

Ready to get started? Contact us here.