
When can your employer lay you off or put you on short-time working?

by Redmans Solicitors September 20, 2013 Employment Law

In situations where your employer may anticipate a seasonal, regular or temporary drop in the amount of work available (seasonal industries such as tourism or where, for example, a restaurant or hotel is being temporarily refurbished) then employers may seek to put their staff on short-time working or lay them off temporarily instead of making […]

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I think that my redundancy is a sham – what should I do?

by Redmans Solicitors October 12, 2012 Employment Law

If you’ve been informed that you’re going to be made redundant then you’ll be concerned to ensure that the redundancy process that you’re being put through is fair. Although it always isn’t the case redundancy processes can often be “shams” – they’re simply used as a convenient means for employers to dismiss “problem employees” where […]

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