accident claims uk

The facts on our clumsiness

by ukclaimlawyers July 20, 2013 Accident Claims Law

Most common accidents in the work place In the UK, efforts to improve health and safety at work have seen a decline in accidents at work, but despite that, around half a million workers each year suffer an accident at work, according to the Health and Safety Executive. The most common accidents are: Falling from […]

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Steps to take if you’ve been injured at Work

by Five Fantastic Lawyers™ October 19, 2012 Accident Claims Law

Guest post regarding steps to take if you’ve been injured at work. Almost regardless of how safe an environment and how aware a person, accidents can and do happen on a regular basis. Sometimes the repercussions of such accidents are insignificant as we receive nothing more serious than a bruise or two from a small […]

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