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Category: Scots Law

5 Reasons to Guest Blawg

A key component of blogging, guest blogging is, as the term suggests, where a blogger writes as a guest on another blogger’s blog. While this may be obvious, it may not be apparent to some why guest blogging can be useful. Here are 5 reasons why you may wish to

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Law Idol Winners Announced

Thompsons Personal Injury Solicitors announce Law Idol winners: Alannah Sloss, Stirling University blog post on Accidents at Work; Stephanie Rogan, University of Strathclyde blog post on No Win No Fee Claims; Jillian Merchant, University of Strathclyde blog post on Accidents at Work; Dominic McGuire, University of Abertay blog post on

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Law Idol: The No Win No Fee Internship

Thompsons Personal Injury Solicitors Scotland are announcing a new, imaginative and fun way to offer students a No Win No Fee Internship at one of their offices in Scotland. I’m sure this will take a few people back to the days when they were students looking for a summer job

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Car Accidents and abdominal injuries

Abdominal injuries are common in car accidents and are extremely dangerous as they can cause serious damage to liver, kidneys, spleen or intestinal tract. The abdominal is most likely to be injured in a car accident where the steering wheel or some other hard object hits the chest or stomach.

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Driving at Night

There is a widely popular misconception that driving at night is less dangerous than during day and it is less likely to cause car accidents. Many drivers choose to exceed the speed limit when driving at night, as there are seemingly less cars on the road and therefore less chance

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Best Criminal Lawyers in Glasgow

Criminal solicitors in Glasgow advise and represent clients through all stages of criminal prosecution. Clients may be accused or even suspected of one or more of the following crimes following investigation or arrest by police officers in Glasgow

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Becoming a Criminal Defence Lawyer in Scotland

Criminal defence solicitors in Scotland advise and represent clients through all stages of criminal prosecution. Clients may be accused or even suspected of one or more of the following Scottish crimes:-

Crimes & Criminal Law in Scotland

* Crimes in Scotland include the following:-
* Breach of the Peace;
* Assault;
* Theft;
* Fraud;
* Rape or other sexual offences;
* Murder or culpable homicide (manslaughter in England);
* Inchoate or “attempted” crimes; and
* Road traffic offences

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