The Mail Online has today published an article by Hilary Freeman about the difficulties that she and her (now) ex-husband faced when going through their Divorce.
The article talks about how, due to financial constraints, they remained living together for a period of 2 years until their divorce was finalised and her ex-husband moved out.
It is an uncomfortable fact of modern life that, even for a couple who both work, the cost of running two households is often crippling. The situation is far worse when there are Children involved and either one of the parties has taken a career break or the costs of child care eat so far in to the couple’s joint income. The property market appears to be only just recovering since prices crashed, and the economic downturn has meant a wage freeze or reduction for many people. It has been hard to sell property or to raise enough capital to buy out the husband or the wife from their interest in the property.
It is, perhaps, an obvious statement that living together but separately is far from ideal. The tensions that can arise in such situations can lead to great strain and tension for all concerned and it requires an almost superhuman effort to co-exist with anything like harmony. It no doubt acts as a catalyst to couples who find themselves separating to try and sort things out as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, that can lead to those in a stronger financial or emotional position taking advantage to ensure a favourable outcome that suits their own needs at the expense of the “weaker” spouse.
Whilst it is always advisable to seek legal advice when going through a Separation, it is absolutely vital to do so in circumstances where it is not possible for there to be a physical separation. Our experienced team of family law experts at Slater and Gordon provide advice tailored to your needs and can help to steer you through the difficulties associated with Relationship Breakdown.
By Family Law Solicitor Ed Kitchen
For more information about Divorce & Separation, please email one of our Family Law Specialists at or call us on 0800 916 9055.

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