Key Fencing Laws in Texas

by RyanD on April 29, 2013


If you are planning on building a fence in the state of Texas, there are some regulations and laws to be aware of. The laws for fences in Texas vary by use, which means that swimming pool fencing laws are different than the rules and regulations for pet or livestock fencing. The laws are also determined by the kind of area or neighborhood where you are building the fence. Be sure to research the laws relative to the kind of fence you want to build.


Planning and Permits

Many counties and cities require a permit, which typically requires two copies of a site plan showing fence placement on the property. You must submit an application, and include your plans with your application. Some of the documents necessary in many counties and cities may include site plans, fence elevations, structural plans, and gate location.


Height Regulations

Besides possible fees and permits, depending on where you reside in Texas you might have height limitations. The maximum height cannot exceed 8’, with the maximum height in the front yard not to exceed 40” and has to be at least 50 percent open. If you are installing a new fence parallel to an existing fence and will be within three feet of the existing fence, you must remove the existing fence. If the fence is being built in an Estate Development district, fences cannot be higher than 48”, and need to be at least 50 percent see-through. Any fence in the General Residential district that are greater than 40” must be set back 10 feet from the front of a structure and cannot be more than six feet tall.


Swimming Pool Fencing

The Health and Safety Code of Texas states that property owners must have their pool area completely fenced with at least a four-foot enclosure. Furthermore, you cannot use chain link fencing for pool enclosures in the State of Texas. The fence must also have a self-closing and self-latching gate. There are regulations regarding where and on what side of the fence a latch can be placed. For complete information and regulations for swimming pool fencing, go to the Texas Health and Safety site.


Livestock Fencing

Texas has a stock law that states farmers must have sufficient fencing around cleared land that is at least five feet high. This law was enacted to prevent wild hogs from passing through to the property. Fencing for livestock must also have a ten-foot-wide gate for every three miles of fencing.


Residential Fencing

Texas law on residential fencing states that the fence must be structurally sound and capable of supporting its own weight. If it is built in a single-family or duplex district, the fence can’t exceed four feet above the grade in the front yard. The fence can’t be over nine feet high for single family and no higher than six feet for multi-tenant districts. For any fence or wall over four feet in the front yard, and over six feet on any other portion of the property, a Master Permit must be acquired. For complete information on residential fencing laws for Texas, please visit.



This article was contributed with Billy Dunham, a home design and maintenance expert who is passionate about sharing his knowledge with the good people of the web. They write this on behalf of Texas Fence Co., your number one choice when looking for Fence Companies in Texas. Check out their website today to see how they can help you achieve the home of your dreams!




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