
Are Field Sobriety Tests Designed to be Failed?

by sequoialegal June 15, 2013 Road Traffic

By Katherine North, Attorney at The Law Office of Randolph H. Wolf Police officers commonly use roadside standard field sobriety tests (“SFSTs”) in DWI investigations to determine whether a driver is under the influence of alcohol.  These tests usually consist of a series of three to five tests, such as the heel-to-toe, one-leg stand, horizontal […]

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Understanding “Probate”

by sequoialegal February 6, 2013 Probate

By the Nair Law Office (US law and generally) Probate is the first step in the legal process of administering the estate of a deceased person, with the sole intent to transfer a decedent’s assets to the rightful heirs and beneficiaries. The estate is examined by a judicial authority to determine how to distribute the […]

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States Repealing Estate Taxes in 2013

by sequoialegal December 14, 2012 Estate Agency

In the past few years, states have been starting to realize how much of a financial hardship an estate tax can be on a family. In an effort to keep people from moving out of state to avoid paying these taxes, have started to repeal estate taxes. An estate tax is a tax applied to […]

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Generic Anti-Depressant Drug Faces Voluntary Recalls

by sequoialegal December 4, 2012 Personal Injury

The American public relies on the Food and Drug Administration to keep the pharmaceutical market safe and effective.  If a drug has been approved, almost no one would find a need to question it and would readily accept a prescription from their doctor.  Unfortunately, the FDA has apparently become a bit lackadaisical in their approval […]

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