
What Should you Do if Under Investigation for a Sex Crime?

by Cantor August 20, 2013 Sexual Offences

Being charged with a sex crime can be a very stressful and difficult situation to be in. While you are awaiting trial, you may find that people who used to be your close friends and acquaintances are skeptical to be around you as a result of the pending charges. Furthermore, your own romantic relationships can […]

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What Is the Intoxilyzer 8000?

by Cantor November 5, 2012 Criminal Law

The Intoxilyzer 8000 is a brand of breathalyzer that measures the blood alcohol content (BAC) of those accused of drinking and driving (DUI). Law enforcement personnel across the nation use this device when someone is arrested for driving while intoxicated. Like all breathalyzers, the Intoxilyzer 8000 has specific instructions that must be closely followed. The […]

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Best Defenses for a DUI Charge

by Cantor September 20, 2012 Criminal Law

(US Criminal Law) People who get stopped for suspicion of drunk driving are subjected to a battery of tests. If an arrest ensues and DUI charges filed, even though the charges are serious, there are several defenses that can be pursued. 1) Challenge the administration of the breath alcohol test.  • The test must be […]

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